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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Target Number or Name That Number ~ Math Enrichment

We have learned a great game Math Enrichment
in our class.
It is called Name that Number
Target Number

Here are the instructions (for parents)

 If you have 5, 3, 4, 5, 2 and your target number is 8
(only look at the numbers... ignore the symbols on the cards)
How can you add, subtract, multiply or divide these first 5 numbers
in order to total thier equation to 8?
The person who uses the most cards in their equation wins all those cards!
Player with the most cards at the end wins.
"End" is determined by the amount of time allowed for game.
My family has played this for hours on a rainy day.

I suggest scrap paper to be handy.
Deal out the cards.
Give a few moments of silence and write down available Math facts.
Rearrange those facts on your paper.
What can you come up with.
Once agreed upon time is up... take turns sharing your options!

 Ellen pulled towards her:
3,5 and 8
3+5 =8
She used 3 cards
Greysen pulled;
4 cards were used

3 cards were used

5 cards used!
This hand wins!
Creator of this equation takes all cards used in this equation & restocks for next hand!

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