Christmas Coupons
I gave everyone three coupons today.
Students were to leave them at school.
Names were to be written on the back.
1. "Out of Uniform" Pass
to be used on Wednesdays only
no holy days.
Pass MUST be turned in on the day being used... not the next day!
2. "No Homework" coupon
This gives you an extra day to turn in homework.
You must present this coupon on the day the work is due,
NOT the next day.
The homework MUST be turned in the next school day!
3. "No Name" excuse coupon
Use this coupon to claim your paper without
a name on it. No pentaly will be given if this coupon
is used when claiming your paper.
Coupons expire at the end of this school year.
Your name must be on the back.
Coupon must turned in on the day being used.
Have fun with these!